Establishing an ethos of renewal associated with a world in bloom, this shade nourishes a sense of self-worth that sprouts when watered – allowing its natural surroundings to blossom into their truest form. With natural receptivity, this color allows us to view the world through a state of wonder, finding awe in the small details everywhere we go. Flora's earthy undertones reflect its ability to ground us and make us aware of the innate gifts that we have to offer this world. Pause and reflect on what gifts do you have to give and meditate for a moment on the appreciation that you have for yourself and what you have to offer – a true embodiment of the intention that Flora has for us.
Aware of our worth, Flora encourages us to radiate authentic expressions of confidence. By pulling back the curtain to reveal the true essence of you, a sense of intimacy and trust is unveiled – two emotions that should be cherished. This warm tone fills us with trust within ourselves and with others allowing us to speak and act freely. A color that transcends the barriers we instill, Flora inspires us to seek progress in breaking down the walls that we've built around us.
Aware of its impact on others, Flora exists to carve out a safe space for open hearts and patient ears. Its familiar tone shows up in ways that mimics body language and in turn speaks where words are not needed – a voice for those who are not always heard. Flora instills kindness and inspires us to pay it forward through small acts of gentle gestures.
Allow Flora to bring a sentiment of thoughtfulness into your surrounding world and connection within yourself.