( 12.01.2023 )
December Mood
Valuing experiences over material possessions, you collect memories over matter.
December Mood

Transitional in nature, you invite the ebb and flow of change. With great compassion, you lean into uncomfortable scenarios in an effort to find a better understanding of yourself and others. Unexpected undertakings empower your being. In search of the truth, you practice honesty and use it as a tool to foster genuine connection. You are a complex composition of the diverse experiences that have formed you – a true work of art.

Attracted to intimacy, your presence is a love language in itself. You are a warm light on a cold night. Valuing experiences over material possessions, you collect memories over matter. Aware of your influence, you exemplify an optimistic energy that inspires others to be their best selves.

( color )
December Mood

Transitional in nature, you invite the ebb and flow of change. With great compassion, you lean into uncomfortable scenarios in an effort to find a better understanding of yourself and others. Unexpected undertakings empower your being. In search of the truth, you practice honesty and use it as a tool to foster genuine connection. You are a complex composition of the diverse experiences that have formed you – a true work of art.

Attracted to intimacy, your presence is a love language in itself. You are a warm light on a cold night. Valuing experiences over material possessions, you collect memories over matter. Aware of your influence, you exemplify an optimistic energy that inspires others to be their best selves.

( inspired by )


Foster Invigorating Environments

Gather for Quality Time

Exemplify Vulnerability


Shed Your Skin

Discover Optimism

Be Open to New Beginnings

( color )


Tap to explore some people who are inspiring us this month



July Mood

( 07.01.2024 )

July Mood

( 07.01.2024 )
Other's lean on your shoulder when life leads them astray, softening into your expansive embrace.
Other's lean on your shoulder when life leads them astray, softening into your expansive embrace.

June Reflections

( 06.30.2024 )

June Reflections

( 06.30.2024 )
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.

June Mood

( 06.01.2024 )

June Mood

( 06.01.2024 )
As pure as poetry, your presence persuades us all to look a little deeper.
As pure as poetry, your presence persuades us all to look a little deeper.

May Mood

( 05.01.2024 )

May Mood

( 05.01.2024 )
With a presence that is strong yet gentle, your energy evokes a feminine spirit that is intuitive and understanding.
With a presence that is strong yet gentle, your energy evokes a feminine spirit that is intuitive and understanding.

April Reflections

( 04.30.2024 )

April Reflections

( 04.30.2024 )
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.

A Simplified Morning Routine

( 04.04.2024 )

A Simplified Morning Routine

( 04.04.2024 )
Lea's 3 step morning routine shows us that simplicity is what we seek for the support we are craving.
Lea's 3 step morning routine shows us that simplicity is what we seek for the support we are craving.

April Mood

( 04.01.2024 )

April Mood

( 04.01.2024 )
A healing oasis, you act as your own medicine.
A healing oasis, you act as your own medicine.

March Reflections

( 03.31.2024 )

March Reflections

( 03.31.2024 )
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.

March Mood

( 03.01.2024 )

March Mood

( 03.01.2024 )
Always looking on the bright side, your point of view is like the feeling of hope that comes from an extra hour of daylight.
Always looking on the bright side, your point of view is like the feeling of hope that comes from an extra hour of daylight.

February Reflections

( 02.29.2024 )

February Reflections

( 02.29.2024 )
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.

July Mood

( 07.01.2024 )

July Mood

( 07.01.2024 )
Other's lean on your shoulder when life leads them astray, softening into your expansive embrace.
Other's lean on your shoulder when life leads them astray, softening into your expansive embrace.

June Reflections

( 06.30.2024 )

June Reflections

( 06.30.2024 )
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.

June Mood

( 06.01.2024 )

June Mood

( 06.01.2024 )
As pure as poetry, your presence persuades us all to look a little deeper.
As pure as poetry, your presence persuades us all to look a little deeper.

May Mood

( 05.01.2024 )

May Mood

( 05.01.2024 )
With a presence that is strong yet gentle, your energy evokes a feminine spirit that is intuitive and understanding.
With a presence that is strong yet gentle, your energy evokes a feminine spirit that is intuitive and understanding.

April Reflections

( 04.30.2024 )

April Reflections

( 04.30.2024 )
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.

A Simplified Morning Routine

( 04.04.2024 )

A Simplified Morning Routine

( 04.04.2024 )
Lea's 3 step morning routine shows us that simplicity is what we seek for the support we are craving.
Lea's 3 step morning routine shows us that simplicity is what we seek for the support we are craving.

April Mood

( 04.01.2024 )

April Mood

( 04.01.2024 )
A healing oasis, you act as your own medicine.
A healing oasis, you act as your own medicine.

March Reflections

( 03.31.2024 )

March Reflections

( 03.31.2024 )
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.

March Mood

( 03.01.2024 )

March Mood

( 03.01.2024 )
Always looking on the bright side, your point of view is like the feeling of hope that comes from an extra hour of daylight.
Always looking on the bright side, your point of view is like the feeling of hope that comes from an extra hour of daylight.

February Reflections

( 02.29.2024 )

February Reflections

( 02.29.2024 )
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.