Mel of Flourish hosted an intimate Galentine's dinner in her home where she set the scene for new and old friends to flourish.
( 02.13.2024 )
A Galentine's Gathering
An intimate gathering of new and old friends hosted by Flourish.
Mel of Flourish hosted an intimate Galentine's dinner in her home where she set the scene for new and old friends to flourish.
Connection Point
A series of inspiring events and stories where our mission of connection is truly embodied.
By setting the tone of vulnerability by sharing first, Mel fostered elevated conversation by having every woman answer a question curated around the theme of connection.
With the rich theme of chocolate, Mel catered her details to connect with the senses – espresso martinis, flourless cake and indulgent conversations.
Mel placed carefully curated cards from her Cultivating Conversations Card Deck on every place setting and asked her guests to choose a seat based on which question resonated most with them.
Flourish values the art of gathering and hosts intentional events with an emphasis on all of the little details that make you feel thought of and welcome.
Connection is at the core of everything we do as a brand. We felt so fortunate to have played a small part in this beautiful evening through our Cultivating Conversations Card Deck. This intentional touch served as an initial conversation starter that turned into newfound connection and memories.

All photos are courtesy of Mel Julius, Founder of Flourish.



July Mood

( 07.01.2024 )

July Mood

( 07.01.2024 )
Other's lean on your shoulder when life leads them astray, softening into your expansive embrace.
Other's lean on your shoulder when life leads them astray, softening into your expansive embrace.

June Reflections

( 06.30.2024 )

June Reflections

( 06.30.2024 )
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.

June Mood

( 06.01.2024 )

June Mood

( 06.01.2024 )
As pure as poetry, your presence persuades us all to look a little deeper.
As pure as poetry, your presence persuades us all to look a little deeper.

May Mood

( 05.01.2024 )

May Mood

( 05.01.2024 )
With a presence that is strong yet gentle, your energy evokes a feminine spirit that is intuitive and understanding.
With a presence that is strong yet gentle, your energy evokes a feminine spirit that is intuitive and understanding.

April Reflections

( 04.30.2024 )

April Reflections

( 04.30.2024 )
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.

A Simplified Morning Routine

( 04.04.2024 )

A Simplified Morning Routine

( 04.04.2024 )
Lea's 3 step morning routine shows us that simplicity is what we seek for the support we are craving.
Lea's 3 step morning routine shows us that simplicity is what we seek for the support we are craving.

April Mood

( 04.01.2024 )

April Mood

( 04.01.2024 )
A healing oasis, you act as your own medicine.
A healing oasis, you act as your own medicine.

March Reflections

( 03.31.2024 )

March Reflections

( 03.31.2024 )
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.

March Mood

( 03.01.2024 )

March Mood

( 03.01.2024 )
Always looking on the bright side, your point of view is like the feeling of hope that comes from an extra hour of daylight.
Always looking on the bright side, your point of view is like the feeling of hope that comes from an extra hour of daylight.

February Reflections

( 02.29.2024 )

February Reflections

( 02.29.2024 )
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.

July Mood

( 07.01.2024 )

July Mood

( 07.01.2024 )
Other's lean on your shoulder when life leads them astray, softening into your expansive embrace.
Other's lean on your shoulder when life leads them astray, softening into your expansive embrace.

June Reflections

( 06.30.2024 )

June Reflections

( 06.30.2024 )
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.

June Mood

( 06.01.2024 )

June Mood

( 06.01.2024 )
As pure as poetry, your presence persuades us all to look a little deeper.
As pure as poetry, your presence persuades us all to look a little deeper.

May Mood

( 05.01.2024 )

May Mood

( 05.01.2024 )
With a presence that is strong yet gentle, your energy evokes a feminine spirit that is intuitive and understanding.
With a presence that is strong yet gentle, your energy evokes a feminine spirit that is intuitive and understanding.

April Reflections

( 04.30.2024 )

April Reflections

( 04.30.2024 )
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.

A Simplified Morning Routine

( 04.04.2024 )

A Simplified Morning Routine

( 04.04.2024 )
Lea's 3 step morning routine shows us that simplicity is what we seek for the support we are craving.
Lea's 3 step morning routine shows us that simplicity is what we seek for the support we are craving.

April Mood

( 04.01.2024 )

April Mood

( 04.01.2024 )
A healing oasis, you act as your own medicine.
A healing oasis, you act as your own medicine.

March Reflections

( 03.31.2024 )

March Reflections

( 03.31.2024 )
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.

March Mood

( 03.01.2024 )

March Mood

( 03.01.2024 )
Always looking on the bright side, your point of view is like the feeling of hope that comes from an extra hour of daylight.
Always looking on the bright side, your point of view is like the feeling of hope that comes from an extra hour of daylight.

February Reflections

( 02.29.2024 )

February Reflections

( 02.29.2024 )
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.