Rooted in early Taoism, the art of feng shui associates this black tone with the element of water. Understanding the power yet balance of calm that this tone possesses, it is a common practice to use this deep hue sparingly to establish a grounding effect within your space.

Smoke takes its cue from the ebb and flow of life. A gentle balance of softness and intensity – the essence of the human experience. Produced by the complete absence of light, this mysterious tone speaks without words. Serving as a symbol of death, Smoke doesn’t express many emotions, rather, it conceals them.

A tone that is a common presence in humankind, yet rarely found in pure form in nature, Smoke offers insight into the soul. A place we speak of often, are sure of its existence, yet can never experience in a tangible form, this elegant tone swirls around us like the smoke coming off a candle wick that was just blown out. Often feared by most, this tone has the ability to show us the path hidden deep within.

Let Smoke uncover your deepest fears and give you the power to step into the unknown, knowing that there is great power that resides within.