Like clouds drifting in the sky, this cool tone is an effortless wonder that rains down drops of inspiration to all who surround. A visual embodiment of perspective, this blue tone encourages us to reflect on the past, ground into the present and seek clarity for the future. Seen through natural elements that resemble vitality, Iris gives us life and inspires us to live to our fullest potential, without hesitation.

In its natural state, Iris is transformative – adapting to its environment with effortless flow. This shade's familiarity builds trust within ourselves and with others. Like a truth serum, Iris carves a stream of tranquility eroding us down to our truest state. Loyal and intuitive, this tone instills strong values that guide our actions. Iris' impact is vast, mirroring the 95% of our underwater world that we still have yet to explore.

Iris' presence evokes a chemical reaction that calms the mind. A steady stream, Iris instills a stable nature that allows us to pour into relationships in ways that fill others up. Nourishing the mind, body and soul in waves of intuition, Iris opens us up to new experiences of authenticity. Like the iris within our eye, this tone controls the light that is let in and focuses the rays on where we need clarity.

Exposed but composed, this subtle shade projects a protective layer of transparency because it knows that practicing honesty within and with others leads to our truest form of self. Heighten your awareness towards Moonstone to step into a confident and authentic version of you.