( 04.01.2024 )
April Mood
A healing oasis, you act as your own medicine.
April Mood

Like the potential contained in a planted seed, your soul flourishes under the nurturing warmth of the sun. Conscious of your connection to all living beings, you consume with deep consideration and compassion. Graceful and giving, you orient yourself towards gratitude offering an optimistic point-of-view. A healing oasis, you act as your own medicine – you are able to regenerate past scars into fuel for your future. While tending to yourself with care, the balance of your mind, body and soul brings out your natural beauty. Intentionally unplugging throughout your day is an important ritual that brings you back into your truest essence. Rooted in a solid foundation of self, you are able to grow taller towards the possibilities intended for you above.

( color )
April Mood

Like the potential contained in a planted seed, your soul flourishes under the nurturing warmth of the sun. Conscious of your connection to all living beings, you consume with deep consideration and compassion. Graceful and giving, you orient yourself towards gratitude offering an optimistic point-of-view. A healing oasis, you act as your own medicine – you are able to regenerate past scars into fuel for your future. While tending to yourself with care, the balance of your mind, body and soul brings out your natural beauty. Intentionally unplugging throughout your day is an important ritual that brings you back into your truest essence. Rooted in a solid foundation of self, you are able to grow taller towards the possibilities intended for you above.

( inspired by )


Offer grace for yourself and others

Lead with compassion

Unplug to root back to you


Trust in your truth

Invite in new opportunities to grow

Find balance between your mind, body and soul

( color )


Tap to explore some people who are inspiring us this month



July Mood

( 07.01.2024 )

July Mood

( 07.01.2024 )
Other's lean on your shoulder when life leads them astray, softening into your expansive embrace.
Other's lean on your shoulder when life leads them astray, softening into your expansive embrace.

June Reflections

( 06.30.2024 )

June Reflections

( 06.30.2024 )
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.

June Mood

( 06.01.2024 )

June Mood

( 06.01.2024 )
As pure as poetry, your presence persuades us all to look a little deeper.
As pure as poetry, your presence persuades us all to look a little deeper.

May Mood

( 05.01.2024 )

May Mood

( 05.01.2024 )
With a presence that is strong yet gentle, your energy evokes a feminine spirit that is intuitive and understanding.
With a presence that is strong yet gentle, your energy evokes a feminine spirit that is intuitive and understanding.

April Reflections

( 04.30.2024 )

April Reflections

( 04.30.2024 )
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.

A Simplified Morning Routine

( 04.04.2024 )

A Simplified Morning Routine

( 04.04.2024 )
Lea's 3 step morning routine shows us that simplicity is what we seek for the support we are craving.
Lea's 3 step morning routine shows us that simplicity is what we seek for the support we are craving.

April Mood

( 04.01.2024 )

April Mood

( 04.01.2024 )
A healing oasis, you act as your own medicine.
A healing oasis, you act as your own medicine.

March Reflections

( 03.31.2024 )

March Reflections

( 03.31.2024 )
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.

March Mood

( 03.01.2024 )

March Mood

( 03.01.2024 )
Always looking on the bright side, your point of view is like the feeling of hope that comes from an extra hour of daylight.
Always looking on the bright side, your point of view is like the feeling of hope that comes from an extra hour of daylight.

February Reflections

( 02.29.2024 )

February Reflections

( 02.29.2024 )
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.

July Mood

( 07.01.2024 )

July Mood

( 07.01.2024 )
Other's lean on your shoulder when life leads them astray, softening into your expansive embrace.
Other's lean on your shoulder when life leads them astray, softening into your expansive embrace.

June Reflections

( 06.30.2024 )

June Reflections

( 06.30.2024 )
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.

June Mood

( 06.01.2024 )

June Mood

( 06.01.2024 )
As pure as poetry, your presence persuades us all to look a little deeper.
As pure as poetry, your presence persuades us all to look a little deeper.

May Mood

( 05.01.2024 )

May Mood

( 05.01.2024 )
With a presence that is strong yet gentle, your energy evokes a feminine spirit that is intuitive and understanding.
With a presence that is strong yet gentle, your energy evokes a feminine spirit that is intuitive and understanding.

April Reflections

( 04.30.2024 )

April Reflections

( 04.30.2024 )
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.

A Simplified Morning Routine

( 04.04.2024 )

A Simplified Morning Routine

( 04.04.2024 )
Lea's 3 step morning routine shows us that simplicity is what we seek for the support we are craving.
Lea's 3 step morning routine shows us that simplicity is what we seek for the support we are craving.

April Mood

( 04.01.2024 )

April Mood

( 04.01.2024 )
A healing oasis, you act as your own medicine.
A healing oasis, you act as your own medicine.

March Reflections

( 03.31.2024 )

March Reflections

( 03.31.2024 )
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.

March Mood

( 03.01.2024 )

March Mood

( 03.01.2024 )
Always looking on the bright side, your point of view is like the feeling of hope that comes from an extra hour of daylight.
Always looking on the bright side, your point of view is like the feeling of hope that comes from an extra hour of daylight.

February Reflections

( 02.29.2024 )

February Reflections

( 02.29.2024 )
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.
Journal prompts to reflect back on the growth and experiences that shaped the past month.